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Welcome to Piano101andBeyond

My goal is to give you the basic tools to play the piano.  I've included Tutorials, Fingering Exercises and Techniques, Scales, Hanon Virtuoso Exercises, and Piano Theory on this website.  If my videos are helpful to you, please make a small donation of $2.00 or more.  This money would go towards, maintaining this website, video equip, and compensate me for the time spent creating/uploading videos for your online learning.  I will make videos for as long as my health and finances allows me too!  Because I'm doing this from a position of love of the piano and wanting to teach the world what little I know!  Beginner Chord videos are coming in 2022!

Your Donation goes towards, maintaining this website, video equip, and compensate me for the time spent creating/uploading videos for your online learning.

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